Coordinated Business Systems Blog / Printers and Copiers (5)

“Customer First. Always.” Philosophy Helps Make Coordinated a 2018 Torch Awards for Ethics Finalist

Better Business Bureau 2018 Torch Awards for Ethics Finalist - Coordinated Business Systems

“Better Business Bureau’s Torch Awards for Ethics celebrate and recognize local companies that demonstrate integrity and a strong commitment to ethics in all that they do.” Once again, we were honored and humbled to have been a Torch Awards for Ethics finalist. As we strive to uphold …

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In-House Production Print—Take Control and Do It!

Have you ever thought about bringing your production print in house but been unsure if it's a good idea. It is - check out these 4 reasons you should stop outsourcing large scale print jobs.

Ever felt unsure about something? Like about bringing all of the printing that you outsource “in-house” and doing it yourself? It’s time to just do it. No, really DO IT! It will require a little more work on your end when it comes to the actual prepress process, but not much more than …

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The Cloud Isn’t an Automatic Answer to Your IT Challenges - A Quick Explanation of What the Cloud Is and Isn’t

The cloud isn't what you think it is - it's just a computer located somewhere else.

You can’t escape mentions of “the cloud” as the solution to nearly any business challenge. Need more storage? The cloud. Need to better manage your network? The cloud. Need a business app to manage your documents? The cloud. Need a marketing and/or website platform? The cloud. Need he …

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End-to-End: Your Network Is Locked Up Tight, What About Your Printers and Other Endpoints?

Excellent network security isn't enough to keep your SMB from being hacked - when was the last time you secured your printers?

Information security is an issue that’s not ever going away. Methods of protection and attack will change over the years, but there will be cybercriminals attempting to steal data when we all finally get our flying cars in the future. Most companies and leaders have at least heard abo …

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5 Ways to Leave Your Sensitive Documents Open to a Data Breach

Is your copier security up to snuff? Make sure you've got these 5 things covered to ensure the best document security for you SMB.

You’ve all heard the song, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, right? Slip out the back, Jack. Make a new plan, Stan. Hop on the bus, Gus. Just drop off the key, Lee. Now that I’ve planted that ear-worm inside your head, what’s a Paul Simon song have to do with document security?

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Printing Habits That Will Save You Money

Ask yourself these 5 questions about your company's printing habits and learn how to save your SMB money.

The third largest expense for most offices is printing and copying documents (behind staffing and office space). Much like how a positive view of information technology can be an indication of a successful business (read more here); companies that understand their print processes and …

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The High Cost of Copier and Printer Discounts

That great (cheap) deal you're getting on your copiers might be a far, far worse deal in the long run.

“Nothing is free”. Donna Oricchio, the CFO of Coordinated, has told me this more than once and believe me when I tell you she is wise. Consumers are driven to “get the best deal.” We look for discounts, coupons, sales – always looking to pay the least for products and services – but h …

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How 3 Tier Color Billing Works

ink in wather using primary colours

When's the last time you ate in a restaurant with a blue color scheme? Maybe a seaside restaurant on vacation or appetizers in a bar, but I bet you can't think of one. Why not? Other than blueberries, there aren't any natural foods that are blue. Blue makes food look unappetizing and …

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Lines on Copies and Scanned Documents? It's Time to Clean the Slit Glass, Here's How

Are you having problems with black lines all over your copies? It's ok! You just need to clean the slit glass!

Alright, let's cut to the chase. A very common, extremely frustrating issue when it comes to copiers is the ongoing occurrence of getting lines on your copies or scans! If you are experiencing black lines on your copies when using the automatic feeder on your copy machine chances are …

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