Coordinated Business Systems Blog / Optimizing Your Business (5)

Managing Your Business' Reputation Has Serious Benefits: A Chat With Aaron Weiche, Digital Marketing Expert


I think everyone knows that customer word-of-mouth is the best possible marketing (or the worst possible marketing if you deliver less-than-excellent service). All of us are in business and all of our businesses have (great, of course!) reputations. How can we use that to generate mor …

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Who Wants to Be Dull? 3 Ways the Predictability of Managed Network Services Makes Boring a Good Thing!

Managed Network Services takes care of the humdrum and boredom of managing your networks yourself.

Variety might be the spice of life, but predictability – when it comes to running a business or office – prevents you from reaching for the TUMS. There are few things that can be as stomach churning unpredictable as information technology. While technology today is absolutely amazing; …

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Simple Steps to Strengthen Your Cybersecurity

Every business today needs to be thinking about cybersecurity. Unless you operate your business entirely using paper, cash payments, and the US Postal Service; you could be vulnerable to hackers. Company size is no guarantee of security. Even though large businesses are the ones in th …

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Let Someone Else Manage Your Network So That You Can Focus on Your Business

When you aren't worried about your network security you can focus on more important things - like your business.

In a nutshell, managed network services is a way to outsource the day-to-day management of your information technology needs. A managed IT provider (also labeled as managed service provider, MSP, or managed network provider) can supplement your in-house IT department or become your IT …

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End Confusion With Your Managed Network Services Partner – 4 Tips to Cut Through the Chatter

Miscommunications in business can be rough - but a misunderstanding with your IT security provider can be disastrous.

Ever been in one of those conversations where each person is talking AT the other instead of WITH the other? Those “conversations” are more like games of verbal one-upmanship than a true exchange of information. In your personal life, this is annoying. When it comes to running your bu …

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6 Ways Managed Network Services Makes IT Simple

Moving your IT out of house saves you money while keeping your business security threshold high.

Smaller businesses often struggle to find the right mix of expertise and infrastructure to meet their network security needs. As an IT service, managed networks are almost always a cost-effective way for SMBs to achieve better security at a lower cost. Here are six ways a managed netw …

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Give Up Control of Your Copiers – You'll Be Excited With the Results

Let go and let someone else take care of your copiers.

It has been said that the best leaders know how to surround themselves with the right team, and entrust them to do what they do best, with little or no micromanagement. This is not only a trait of a good leader, but something that workers seek in an employer. Having the autonomy to ma …

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Why We Are Laser-Focused on Copier Uptime

There's a big reason we are laser focused on keeping your copier up and running - and it's because it's better for your employees and your business when your office equipment just WORKS.

Everything we do in both our sales process and our service, repair, and maintenance service is designed to maximize the time your copiers and printers are working. This point is so elementary that it's often overlooked: when your office equipment doesn't work like it should, your offi …

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How to Fix the Paper Curl Problem

How do you stop paper from curling while printing?! Read on for answers.

I don't know if paper curl while printing is horrid, but it IS annoying. I know our customers ask us about this frequently – how do I stop my paper from curling?!?!?! If you're frustrated with paper curl and your prints look a little bit like the photo here, you've stopped by the righ …

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